current aid projects:
Turkey/Syria, Ukraine
what we are doing for Turkey/Syria
- In order to be able to tackle the most urgent problems quickly, the foundation initially made 10.000 euros available as emergency aid.
- We are in contact with our partners and are preparing to bring clothing donations to the crisis region if this is possible and necessary.
what we are doing for Ukraine
- Since 2015 we helped in Eastern Ukraine with more than 500.000 pieces of clothing (more than 170 tons)
- Since many thousands of people fled during the current war, we also help those affected in Western Ukraine, in Poland and here in Germany
what you can do to help
- Come in our store: all proceeds are also donations since we are a charity shop for Deutsche Kleiderstiftung
- Donate good clothing and shoes directly to Deutsche Kleiderstiftung: You can send parcels, for more details visit Deutsche Kleiderstiftung
- Donate money to Deutsche Kleiderstiftung: we are receiving clothing and shoes and could not be more thankful. But we also need financial resources to sort and supply them!
- Spread the movement, tell your friends!
donation account of
Deutsche Kleiderstiftung
IBAN DE49 5206 0410 0006 4148 00
Evangelische Bank eG
↳ send clothes via package donation

charity shop of Deutsche Kleiderstiftung | new hand selected items every day | second hand + upcycling fashion | vintage, designer and contemporary pieces | charity shop of Deutsche Kleiderstiftung | new hand selected items every day | second hand + upcycling fashion | vintage, designer and contemporary pieces | charity shop of Deutsche Kleiderstiftung | new hand selected items every day | second hand + upcycling fashion | vintage, designer and contemporary pieces |